Katelyn MacIntyre
Debussy, Ariettes oubliées
Katelyn MacIntyre
Villa-Lobos, Bachianas Brasileiras No. 5
Katelyn MacIntyre & Todd MacIntyre
The First Noel
Katelyn MacIntyre
Debussy "Air de Lia" from L'enfant prodigue
Katelyn MacIntyre
Barber "Knoxville, Summer of 1915"
Katelyn MacIntyre & Scott MacIntyre
Running Scared
Katelyn MacIntyre
Stolz "Ich sing' mein Lied heut' nur für dich"
Katelyn MacIntyre
Premieres Opera with Pittsburgh Opera & Carnegie Mellon University
Katelyn MacIntyre
Handel's Messiah Rejoice Greatly O Daughter of Zion No 18
Katelyn MacIntyre
Ravel "Kaddisch"
Katelyn MacIntyre
Massenet "Il est doux, il est bon," from Hérodiade
Katelyn MacIntyre
Schubert "Ave Maria"
Katelyn MacIntyre
Debussy "Noël des enfants qui n'ont plus de maisons"
Katelyn MacIntyre
Mozart "Voi avete un cor fedele"
Katelyn MacIntyre
Mozart "Bester Jungling"
Katelyn MacIntyre
Handel's Messiah Rejoice recitatives No 14 15 16 17
MacIntyre Family Singers
A Cappella
Scott, Todd, & Katelyn MacIntyre
You Raise Me Up
Katelyn MacIntyre & Todd MacIntyre
Reach - arranged by Scott MacIntyre